Addiction and Recovery: My Way Back from the No Way Back

“From late 2021 to early 2022 I was using a cocktail of illicit substances. These included anabolic steroids (testosterone) which I took to augment a rigorous gym regime and to build muscle. I was also using crystal meth and other chem-sex drugs. These facilitated a directness and immediacy around sex that I hadn’t experienced before. The sex drugs were an escape from the accumulated pain wrought on my body by the control/discipline aspect of the steroids/gym regime. Since all of these drugs had a detrimental effect on my sleep, I was taking non-prescribed sleep medication to counter this. The upsides of the drugs, of which there were many, is possibly the subject of another article. This paper chronicles my experiences navigating what is usually called ‘recovery’…..”

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Addiction: My Way Back from the No Way Back